Eye-Friendly Night Dark for Safari Books Online

Added by mmizutani@userstyles, Created: May 03, 2016, Updated: Nov 05, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • Without the style (ebooks)
  • With the style applied (videos)
  • Without the style (videos)


The original night reading mode of Safari Books Online uses #fff to the font color and #000 to the background, which are too vivid for our overused eyes! This custom style reassigns them to milder, more eye-friendly colors.

When using this style, make sure to turn the night reading mode on. (Click the "change font size" button on the right hand side and select the crescent icon.)

Enjoy your enhanced Safari Books Online life!


More info
v1.2 (Sep 4, 2016) Fixed font/background colors of the left navigation menu, lighten scrollbar thumbs
v1.1 (May 5, 2016) Fixed bugs, added styles for videos
v1.0 (May 4, 2016) Initial release

Applies to:

Related styles:

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