Bing: no ad + numbered results + better rendering

Added by LeDiscret@userstyles, Created: Jun 08, 2009, Updated: Nov 12, 2009
With the style applied


You like Bing?

You'll like it a lot more after you have installed this customization!

The aim is to:
- remove any advertisement
- add numbers to the results
- round the inputs, forms and the picture search
- highlight the top result if it's a special bing one (like biographies, definitions, etc.)
- enlarge the result display to fit big screens

Change log:
- 2009/11/12 1.0.3:
* optimized legend with the new "previous" and "next" buttons (to see some other background photos)

- 2009/09/29 1.0.2:
* the legend of the background photo on the Bing Home is now always displayed in semi-transparency and highlighted on rollover (it's better and easier to discover what is the photography)
* very large search inputs
* map tab with large search inputs without display bug
* correct bug with horizontal scrollbar in "News" tab

- 2009/06/10 1.0.1:
* larger search input
* no vertical centered for the Bing Home
* bug corrected with numbered results in Videos search

- 2009/0

Applies to:

Related styles:

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