Links: add icon for each type (jpg, wav, doc,...)

Added by LeDiscret@userstyles, Created: Oct 05, 2009, Updated: Jan 21, 2010
With the style applied


Originally developped by "lomo".

This style allows you to add an icon before each link which directs to a file like "jpg", "gif", "pdf", "swf", "doc", ...
The used icons comes from "" website with the "silk icons" pack.

The style try to not change the original formatting of the websites.

Try it, you'll like it. ;)

* 2010/01/21 :
- Added support for ".mpg" and ".mp4" videos (same icon as ".mpeg")
- Commented support for pictures files (it can be a problem with some websites)

* 2009/12/04 :
- Added support for ".as" Flash scripts (same icon as ".js")

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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