Urban dictionary, minimalist dark with some orange

Added by Max Rosenfors@userstyles, Created: Jul 18, 2016, Updated: Apr 23, 2017
  • With the style applied
  • No-definitions page.


Minimalist style for urban dictionary, based on the style by antonomasia, with some small changes, such as removing a box, centering it to the middle of the screen and making the links orangeyellow.

Mostly intended to be used together with duckduckgo's "!" bang search function.

Bear in mind that it can not be used together with any other of urbandictionary.com's pages other than the "no result found page", and the result pages. So if you for example wish to add definitions to words, the userstyle breaks.

More info
credit to antonomasias style, "Urban Dictionary dark minimal", http://freestyler.ws/style/99049/urban-dictionary-dark-minimal

update 16-12-02:
- Removed images that were shown after some definitions.
- Realigned some things, such as the navigation bar on the bottom.
- Added some CSS that provides some light highlights for the first result. So that it is easier to find with your eyes.
- Added CSS to handle the page which appears when no result is found.
- Made sure these changed work on all the pages that UD might return, some are apparently slightly different.

update 17-04-23:
- Removed that annoying mug

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
Max Rosenfors@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Urban dictionary, minimalist dark with some orange, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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