iBOOD v2 - Clean + Dark

Added by Tronic@userstyles, Created: Aug 08, 2016, Updated: Mar 31, 2017


The new iBOOD design has it pro's and con's. This style tries to clean up the site a bit by removing social media buttons and making flash sales less distracting and has a darker color theme for nightly browsing.

Also available as http://freestyler.ws/style/106256/ibood-v2-clean variant!

More info
Delivered as is. May get some updates, but no guarantees. Hunt page will probably break something. So keep this in mind when using this when an iBOOD hunt is coming!

  • All Deals - updated to / fixed style for new div names
  • Global - force no background on ad widget
  • Global: removed ad header backgroup
  • Forum: Quote box color change
  • Forum: link color change
  • Hunt: Darker variant of 'stripes'
  • Hunt: Brightness of tiles in 'passed products slider'
  • Hunt: Background of info boxes on the right hand side removed
  • CSS3 filter for webkit added
  • Darken textfield and dropdown
  • Initial release

Applies to:

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