mBank - better internetbanking

Added by Milan G.@userstyles, Created: Jun 16, 2009, Updated: Jun 18, 2009
With the style applied


"mBank - better internetbanking" is better styling - correct bad pages looking after "New Look mBank Czech release" on 14.6.2009.
It can be used for all language versions: Czech, Polish, Slovak. But it is tested only on Czech version.

What this CSS improve:
1. Add background color to even rows in tables
2. Remove redundant underlining for all action links in the tables
3. Compress height of action links in the tables to save space
4. Make delimer line between rows in table less noticeable
5. REMOVED - IT CAUSED ANOTHER PROBLEMS Make money amount field longer - in original all amount bigger than 999 999 are wrapped to second line - thanks to signy

Czech description:
"mBank - better internetbanking" je styl zlepsujici vzhled mBank internetbankingu po vydani "vylepsenejho vzhledu" po 14.6.2009.
Muze byt pouzit pro vsechny jazykove verze, ale je testovan pouze s cesko

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