This style was deleted by its author, Sean Mayes@userstyles

Sean Mayes@userstyles deleted this style because of "Get the new theme XEN"

Try OcUK Forum - XEN - Complete instead of this deleted style.

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OcUK Dark Design

Added by Sean Mayes@userstyles, Created: Sep 10, 2016, Updated: Oct 25, 2016
No screenshot


Forked from Overclockers Dark V2 ( )

Fixed width, this can be changed simply by editing the css body-width to a width of your choosing.
Logo and images, some are removed, see release notes.

For best results make sure you have 'Open Sans' font from google.

Please see for themes that are too large to upload here.

More info
Please consider a donation no matter how small, I can't work due to serious ill health and everything helps.

New theme out
Please see for themes that are too large to upload here.


Added thread closed button to match the others.
That is probably all I can do on this theme unless anybody finds bugs to fix. I'm now starting a 'Metro' style light theme.


Fixed the post buttons.


Added focus border color/style for input boxes, overrides horrid Chrome border that I previously disabled,
Added an override for the default browser text selection color.


Added some code to remove the god awful focus border Chrome seems to show on click,
Post buttons will be fixed tomorrow, text looks slightly off.


Themed 'spoiler' box and show button,
Reverted my fixing of 'last edited' to bottom as it broke something else, doh.
Few other bits and pieces in the code fixed.


Themed all of the drop-down boxes and buttons,
Themed all input boxes,
Fixed an unwanted gap between top bar and nav bar,
Edited the quote boxes,
Positioned 'Last edited' box to bottom,
Lowered post buttons closer to bottom.


Completely re-done the post buttons, my last ones were too big and too in your face,
Fixed 'New' button hover not working.


Fixed some code and removed a couple of double entries (my bad)
New post_new icon,
New subscribed icon,
Adjusted Nav_bit_start icon,
New thread rating icons,
New user online/offline basic text indicators,
All THREAD icons are removed (light bulb etc) apart from poll icon, they are pointless and ugly, emoticons are untouched.


New Navbit icons.


Better arrow icons.


Fixed width, this can be changed simply by editing the css body-width to a width of your choosing.
Logo and images are pretty much all displayed as default, personally I disable logo and lots of icons (see css).

It's tested on both firefox and vivaldi, chrome should be ok as Viv is based upon it, please let me know of any major issues and I'll do my best to fix them asap.

This took some time, but time I have! donations welcomed if you like it. ENJOY!

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