4chan - Night Owl

Added by Incrazone@userstyles, Created: Sep 12, 2016, Updated: Sep 17, 2016
Link color
Accent/Link hover color
Input button type


A dark theme for 4chan that allows the user to customize a link and accent color for a slightly more personalized theme. Enjoy!

Please https://forum.userstyles.org/post/discussion?Discussion/StyleID=132616. It helps me know what you want and what needs to be fixed so I can make my theme better, so please give descriptive feedback. If you like my theme, I would appreciate it if you would comment on and rate it.

More info

-Added two new input buttons (Two new style settings).

-Added New Thread prompt.
-Added reply pop-up.
-Added input buttons (Two new style settings).
-Fixed Reply button.
-Adjusted separator color.
-Made CSS neater.

-Added screenshots

-Initial release.
*This theme has only been tested on the "Yotsuba" style on /a/, /b/, /c/, /d/, /e/, /f/, /g/, /gif/, /h/, /hr/, /k/, /m/ and /o/ thus far.

-The pictures in the screenshots are crystallized to reduce file size.

Applies to:
boards.4chan.org, i.4cdn.org, 4chan.org

Related styles:

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