Eldarya rearranging style | by Sads

Added by Sads@userstyles, Created: Oct 15, 2016, Updated: Oct 15, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • Episodes page
  • Library page
  • Companion page


A simple style that "improves" the current design of the website by erasing some borders and rearranging some pages (inventory, library, episodes...) to change into a less "childish" theme. + basically all the yellow stuff are gone except for the bank.

More info
This is the first version !

So it will have some issues, obviously. I have no idea how it will work on screens that are smaller than 1368x768, and on navigators other than Chrome. if you wanna help me, you can install it and tell me what doesn't work by contacting me on my tumblr http://sads-mcl.tumblr.com or directly on Eldarya FR & US (i'm Sads on both websites)

15.10.16 > first try posting it on userstyles eheh

Applies to:
http://www.eldarya.fr/, http://www.eldarya.com/, http://www.eldarya.com.br/, http://www.eldarya.de/... More »

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