gaia online change the sides of gaia online pages

Added by juan garcia@userstyles, Created: Oct 28, 2016, Updated: Oct 28, 2016
With the style applied


this will change the home page color and the side pages on most pages. PLEASE turn this off while editing your profile IT WILL interfere with editing your profile

More info
help to make this script better IS WELCOME please send me an email at i will respond or make the needed adjustments
please give me your gaia online user name so i can credit you in this user style as saying you helped me. please feel free to change the colors to your liking. it should be easy to do with this small style. DO NOT claim this as your own. if you wish to make your own copy off of mine please say that you got help from WSG N1T30WL XIII SSC
other than that have fun changing the colors and sending me feedback, MY EMAIL is checked daily for feedback on stuff like this

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
juan garcia@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to gaia online change the sides of gaia online pages, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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