Return WATCHED tag on Youtube (with custom text)

Added by q1k@userstyles, Created: Nov 22, 2016, Updated: Dec 23, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • Alternative
  • Full
Watched video text:
Watched badge style:
Remove red bar?


Bring back the WATCHED badge to the videos you have already watched on youtube.
In a recent update youtube removed the watched tag, and added a red progression bar on the bottom that doesn't function properly.
With this style you will get the WATCHED label back.

More info
As per this post I have created this style.

v1 - initial
v2 - different approach, to include certain pages
v3 - changed stacking order values
v4 - added alternative watched badge style
v5 - added full mode badge style
v6 - changed full mode a bit, longer text should appear correctly now

Applies to:

Related styles:

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