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Facebook Mumbles (Facebook 2012)

Added by Jangly Mark@userstyles, Created: Jul 09, 2009, Updated: Dec 19, 2011
No screenshot


An easy on the eye Facebook skin with a picture of Mumbles lighthouse at dusk as the background. Now incorporates the new 'Timeline' feature'.

If you like this style, please think about making a donation.
Suggested donation : 40p

More info
May 2012 :

Tweaks and fixes for Facebook timeline.

*** please note : the screenshot is not displaying correctly. Please read the description to get an idea of that Facebook Mumbles looks like ***

December 2011 :

* Fixed for Facebook's new 'Timeline' feature.
* Minor tweak for stretch background - now works in Firefox 4+

June 2011 :

* Bacground stretch now tested successfully in Firefox 4.0.1 (Please note that the screenshot was taken before I implemented the changes to the code for background stretch)

May 2011 :

* Tweaked to take into account recent Facebook changes
* Minor colour fixes
* FIXED! Background stretch - background should now fit corretly on most screen shapes/sizes (Tested on Firefox 3.6x, not tested in Firefox 4)

Feb 27 2010 : Style fixed for new Facebook redesign

September 12 : Fixed again to incorporate new changes and Facebook Lite

July 25 : Style working properly again :)

ADDITIONAL : This style broke, but, is now fixed. Click on 'Update in Stylish' to get the fixed version.

Applies to:,,
CC0 1.0 Universal.
Jangly Mark@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Facebook Mumbles (Facebook 2012), to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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