Pocket Minimalismo

Added by minimalismo@userstyles, Created: Jan 08, 2017, Updated: Jan 08, 2017
With the style applied
Remove references to Pocket Premium
Removed sponsored content
Top navigation
Remove top rainbow border on top navigation
Remove inbox button
Remove avatar from top right navigation menu
Remove username from top right navigation menu
Remove help from top right navigation menu
Best of tags
Remove favicons
Source URLs
Remove share button
Hide top toolbar on reading page


Pocket Minimalismo makes it nicer to use Pocket by hiding distractions and providing a cleaner appearance.

More info
  • A simpler and cleaner appearance.
  • Customize your level of minimalismo.
  • Many elements such as the top and left navigation are hidden but reappear when you hover your mouse over them.
  • When customizing the options, "Hide" means the element is hidden but reappears when you mouse over it. "Remove" means the element is removed entirely.
Version history
  • v1.0 (January 8, 2017) - Initial release.

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
minimalismo@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Pocket Minimalismo, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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