ExtraTorrent - Extra Slim - Dark

Added by sevdestruct@userstyles, Created: Feb 20, 2017, Updated: Feb 26, 2017
With the style applied


Restyle of http://extra.to (using http://extra.to or http://extratorrent.cc) to trim the fat, and make the site more…bearable: removing clutter, warnings, advertising and useless interface junk. Removes entire left column, a lot of padding, simplifies colors.

More info
- Updated to add support for http://extratorrent.cc (previously set only for http://extra.to)


- Dark Theme (inspired by to Discord app)
- Priority has been to fix the main search screens, so the single pages may not be as clean looking..
- Removed:
--- logo
--- warnings and alerts
--- promos/adverts
--- left column (top posts, social feeds)
--- header search button (just hit/tap Return/Enter key)
--- torrent download icon from lists (single torrent view should still have)
--- flag icons
--- category images
--- status images
--- rss feed icons
--- ugly download buttons
--- dash borders
--- majority of line borders
--- superfluous padding and margins
--- other junk
- Started preliminary cleanup of of single pages (removal of some ugly buttons, images and category icons..) May update with changes for this…at a later date.


Though this should remove some of the promotional content, might want to combine this theme with the https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ublock-origin/cjpalhdlnbpafiamejdnhcphjbkeiagm?hl=en extension in Chrome to remove ads and other cosmetic nasties, especially if the css changes before this gets updated for those elements.

Applies to:
extra.to, extratorrent.cc
CC0 1.0 Universal.
sevdestruct@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to ExtraTorrent - Extra Slim - Dark, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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