GitHub Softer Blue Color

Added by refi64@userstyles, Created: Mar 01, 2017, Updated: Apr 07, 2017


Tones down the GitHub blue-ish color (used in links, selections, and some icons) from the new, blinding blue to the older, softer blue. In particular, it tries hard to be very, very thorough.

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Works on:

- Normal links.
- The "more" links on the home page and notifications page.
- The news sidebar section.
- The clone popup.
- The file finder.
- The issue tracker.
- Commit links.
- Folder & chevron icons.
- Selections.
- Dropdowns.
- Icons.
- Usernames.
- Mention completions.
- The "View Changes" button.
- Linked/autoref'ed issues & PR's.
- Topics.
- The "Load diff" button.
- ...

Applies to:

Related styles:

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