Amazon Inverted

Added by niklasg@userstyles, Created: Mar 13, 2017, Updated: Mar 13, 2017
No screenshot


Simple dark, high-contrast 'skin' for Amazon.
Amazons HTML/CSS is frustratingly inconsistent across pages,
so the focus of this style is to invert the most important/prominent parts of the UI.
That means that black text on black background is unacceptable, but not-so-important pages may stay unchanged.
I only test this on the German version of Amazon.

If you have any issues with this style, please open a ticket at

Applies to:, ^https?:\/\/www\.amazon\.\w{2,3}(\.\w{2})?(\/.*)?, ^https?:\/\/music\.amazon\.\w{2,3}(\.\w{2})?(\/.*)?

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