Added by Snail@userstyles, Created:
Oct 14, 2009, Updated: Oct 15, 2009
Description: is a popular Islamic Questions & Answer site.
I have modified the default user interface to enhance a few elements and make them more userfriendly.
In the process, some elements have been removed.
User may modify the userstyle as per their wish to suit their needs.
Most of the changes are commented on in the css file.
I admit that the code is long, and some changes may be redundant, but it's been a good learning process for me basically.
Any comments appreciated, but your prayers are requested.
Jazaakumullaahu khairan. Blue Skin - NEW
I have modified the default user interface to enhance a few elements and make them more userfriendly.
In the process, some elements have been removed.
User may modify the userstyle as per their wish to suit their needs.
Most of the changes are commented on in the css file.
I admit that the code is long, and some changes may be redundant, but it's been a good learning process for me basically.
Any comments appreciated, but your prayers are requested.
Jazaakumullaahu khairan.
One additional screenshot - Q&A page:
First install FreeStyler to use this style.
If you already installed it, please, make sure this site is allowed to run JavaScript.But you can download Freestyler for other browsers and apply styles there!
Applies to: