Lights Out (White Pages be Gone!)

Added by Diddle@userstyles, Created: Oct 27, 2009, Updated: Mar 19, 2010
With the style applied


This style works on ALL sites and is meant for surfing during the night.

Imagine you're browsing at night and the only lighting you have turned on is your monitor. And then that site comes up that's all WHITE!? Squinting only gets you so far and aside from being annoying as shit, the overexposure is also bad for your eyes in the long term.

Hence this style: make everything DARK.

It won't be the most beautiful solution as you will lose some of the site's design, but all text, links and images will still be there. And visible without needing to squint like you've got lemon juice in your eyes! Rejoice!

Applies to:
http://, https://, file://

Related styles:

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