This style was deleted by its author, Tweakster@userstyles

Tweakster@userstyles deleted this style

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Google Reader - Stretch, Clean, Style

Added by Tweakster@userstyles, Created: Apr 15, 2007, Updated: Apr 24, 2007
With the style applied


This is to replace my style that did some additional little stretching of containers using CSS that only applied to FireFox's Quirks display mode.

I was finally inspired to perfect this when I was at and found this -- but it was oddly shrinking FARK headlines to the [tag] and others to about 2px wide. it sucked.

So, I found out that just stretching html and body to the max, and setting max-width: inherit to all elements simultaneously did everything that script says it should do and more.

Other styles have been preserved.

Update 4/24/07:
I hadn't used sharing or staring for a long time in Reader, so I didn't know something was off about this style until I turned it off to figure out a problem I had with the folders in the sidebar collapsing themselves. Because I don't star or share anything anymore, I had also adblocked all */reader/ui/* images, and so icons weren't even being displayed. Apparently my style

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