This style was deleted by its author, Corran@userstyles

Corran@userstyles deleted this style because of "I haven't gone to IGN in ages and I'm pretty sure this style is out of date by now."

Try Failbetter Games Forum Usability Tweak instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Ign

IGN - no ads, share, connections, comments, footer

Added by Corran@userstyles, Created: Dec 18, 2009, Updated: Oct 18, 2011
No screenshot


This removes the ad box at the top (and the little link box to the left of the ad).

It also removes the 'share this article' and 'like this article' box at the right.

At the bottom of the page it removes the 'hot box', the comments, the connections and the footer.

Updated to also remove Facebook box.

Updated to remove more 'Tweet' and 'Like' buttons.

Updated again to remove Facebook and Comments again.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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