This style was deleted by its author, krftrzx@userstyles

krftrzx@userstyles deleted this style

Try Blogger hide Username, Blogname instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Google - Hide Username (waiting for fix)

Added by krftrzx@userstyles, Created: May 15, 2007, Updated: May 17, 2007
No screenshot


This style aims to hide the username for most google pages...
This isnt aimed to be complete in every way (though any suggestions to make it more so will be accepted)
If this hides anything more than the username than you could disable it (because the rules i used are less specific than those used in Google - Hide Username (but they should still work becuase of how google displays the username though...)
But anyway... I wrote this because there wasnt a fix for that style for quite a while now...
If anything doesnt work then Google - Hide Username is recommended which is a very thorough style (when it gets fixed that is)
I just hoped that this could help somebody till it is fixed ;) !

UPDATE 6 june 07
Its fixed...
Please check Google - Hide Username

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