This style was deleted by its author, DrAsstdHomicide@userstyles

DrAsstdHomicide@userstyles deleted this style

Try Reddit Comments Redux instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Reddit Redux - Making Reddit More Readable

Added by DrAsstdHomicide@userstyles, Created: Jan 19, 2010, Updated: Jan 20, 2010
No screenshot


I made this style to make reddit a bit easier to read and navigate. Additionally, I think it adds a bit more flare to the site.

Full resolution before/after here:

- background/border for each individual story
- made the point value of unvoted stories darker, more noticable
- made the story rank darker, more noticable
- changed the color of the submission date/time - orange worked strangely well and helped break up the flood of grey text
- rounded the borders for many site features
- added mouseover changes to the navigation at the top of the page (what's hot/new/etc)
- added mouseover changes to the upmod/downmod arrows
- duplicated the "last link clicked" functionality from the default reddit style, the rounded borders are dashed just like the story has a dashed border with the default style
- duplicated the "Highlight Original Poster" style from the IAmA subreddit

I haven't found anything that looks

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