Google (search results) - widen results

Added by USBman@userstyles, Created: Jun 07, 2007, Updated: Dec 04, 2008
No screenshot


This style changes the width of Google search results. Simple enough.

I think this looks much better, particularly on wide/high resolution monitors.

This may not be the only such userstyle to accomplish this, but it was specifically written with such detail as to not break the layout of one of my other styles, BetterSearch - preview box tweaks.

(06-23-07 - Updated to include topic specific Google searches: Linux, BSD, & microsoft)
(06-23-07 - Updated to 1) include minimum height adjustment for each search result listing, & 2) include MusicSearch - Google's layout includes breaks, so the text simply won't spread the full width)
(03-08-08 - Updated to include the inexplicable addition of the "" domain)
(08-24-08 - Updated to Google's new code)
(09-26-08 - Cleaned up code & updated to include additional elements to be widened)
(10-13-08 - Updated video-snippet code)
(12-03-08 - Updated to Google's new code)

Applies to:,,, More »

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