This style was deleted by its author, PeterW123@userstyles

PeterW123@userstyles deleted this style

Try Toodledo Simple Gray theme by PeterW instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Toodledo - clean blue theme by PeterW

Added by PeterW123@userstyles, Created: Feb 23, 2010, Updated: Apr 29, 2010
No screenshot


This theme leaves the Toodledo menu bar intact but modestly enhances the main Task window, View-by bar, Tabs and other elements to create a clean look with a bit of colour. Works best with Toodledo's default color scheme.

Update 29th April 2010:
Cleaned up the interface to make it more minimal:
- removed background on View-by menu
- dimmed the blue color a little
- removed the radius corners from section seperators

Update 16th March 2010:
Matched background color of menu/sidebar to other elements (i.e. pale blue)
--> N.B: Use Toodledo's default color scheme so that menu icons are colored
Added new Toodledo logo (because the above change doesn't work well with default theme's purple background)
Moved the menu collapse/restore button to a better location
Restored the "Add a sub-task" link (previously hidden)

Update 11th March 2010:
Fixed hover dialog box transparency issue
Changed link text & hover text colour
Minor tweak to seperator bar size

Update 5th March

Applies to:

Related styles:

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