
Added by Faeleia@userstyles, Created: Jul 01, 2007, Updated: Jul 03, 2007
With the style applied


I've downloaded the other CR styles by these talented guys and they look good, but I have an itchy finger syndrome. In this style, the colors are changed with an intention to look easy on the eyes, nothing overly bright/contrasting, but also have variety with color usage. Pink is used as a majority, with teal to balance out the feel. The colours of a rose was used as a rough guide, but overall, it is a rather feminine style. When I get plenty of time, I'll probably experiment with other colours, zen/bohemian, and more.

(CSS was edited from the Dark Grey style, apart from the obvious colour change, the format remains as before.)

(Screenshots are sad, because of the stingy file size limits)

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