This style was deleted by its author, krisu@userstyles

Viddler - Download links on top

Added by krisu@userstyles, Created: Apr 21, 2010, Updated: Apr 22, 2010
No screenshot


Don't watch straight from Viddler and you want download video? This makes that thing easier.

Now download links are on top-left and it's also in fixed position, so if you scroll it stay still on the screen.

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-- Notes --

* Made for resolution wide 1200px and wider. Under that resolution then download links are overlapping other content and video player.
* If you didn't already know, you have to be registered / logged in on Viddler to download files. If you're aren't, then it tells this every time: "No downloads available this time. Sorry..."

-- Updates --

22.4.2010 - Userstyle released

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