iQ readable

Added by Marc Pentermann@userstyles, Created: Jul 27, 2007, Updated: Oct 29, 2009
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


This new style increases the usability of Lycos iQ. It should work with every version of iQ.

the changes:
* body width is set to 99% (you should browse with maximized browser window)
* fontsize is increased to 12/14px and higher
* fontcolor is set to black
* comments get grey background
* list items of questions, answers and links get a backgroundcolor
* textareas for answers and comments are higher
* on user-profiles are some informations not displayed (picture of rank, top tags)
* overall more spacing is used
* and some other minor changes ...

some (older) screenshots at flickr


[1. update - Aug 05 2007]
* user-profiles show now diploma-stars
* link "show all" at profiles is smaller
* tag-n

Applies to:

Related styles:

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