This style was deleted by its author, USBman@userstyles

USBman@userstyles deleted this style

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Google Reader - Post Tweaks

Added by USBman@userstyles, Created: Aug 03, 2007, Updated: Jul 24, 2008
With the style applied


This style simply allows the post entry of your subscriptions to be tweaked. Modifications include:

1) occupying the full width of the window, on any resolution screen, while the navigation menu is visible (rather than a fixed, narrow width). This replicates the full width posts seen when the navigation menu is hidden.
2) removing the silly "go" button at the end of every headline. This seems redundant, as clicking on the headline itself does the very same thing.
3) Justifies the text in posts. I find the readability to be improved this way.
4) Adds padding to images, so the text doesn't cram right up next to images. I find this also improves readability.

If you like this, you might also enjoy another one of my styles: stlye 8983 .

(03-08-08 - updated, and added image padding)
(03-18-08 - added padding to left of timestamp)
(07-23-08 - cleaned up code a bit & made the width modifications apply to both a visible and collapsed subscription listing column)

Applies to:,

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