This style was deleted by its author, Diddle@userstyles

Diddle@userstyles deleted this style

Try Lights Out (White Pages be Gone!) instead of this deleted style.

See other styles

Fok! Frontpage - Site cleanup

Added by Diddle@userstyles, Created: Aug 07, 2007, Updated: Jun 01, 2008
No screenshot


This style is meant for the frontpage of Fok!, a Dutch community news, columns and review site.

It removes:
- Banner on top of articles and the space that is reserved for them
- The news category
- The TRUE icon from the navbar
- The text 'Reacties' to save vertical space

It changes:
- The font and size of the article title
- The color of the article will be slightly darker and have a dotted border on top
- Headlines in the trackers on the left are shown on 1 line, even if they're slightly too wide
- The location of the 'Getoond: xx reacties. Toon alle reacties' text to the bar that also holds page navigation

- You should check their CSS, you'll be in for a good laugh. It's the crappiest, most static, most unreadable ever. xD

Applies to:

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