for wide screens

Added by Bevan@userstyles, Created: May 24, 2010, Updated: Jul 06, 2010
With the style applied


This style will reformat article pages for wider screens, but only when the browser is wide enough, so the style has no effect when the browser viewport is less than 1570 pixels wide. Essentially it uses CSS3 multicolumn layout CSS to convert the content into;

* 2 columns when viewport width is >1570px
* 3 columns when viewport width is >2090px

This currently only works in recent versions of Firefox that support -moz-column-count (column-count in standard CSS3). It wouldn't take much to add support for webkit and other modern browsers that support CSS3 multicolumn layouts.

This work by Bevan Rudge is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Larger screenshots are on Flickr

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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