DARK Grey Lady for Wikipedia

Added by Benj@userstyles, Created: Aug 24, 2007, Updated: Aug 31, 2009
With the style applied


This style is based on the popular Grey Lady style ( Wikipedia - Grey Lady ), but has a darker color scheme. This effect was achieved by inverting most of the colors in the original Grey Lady style.

*update1*: I made the background color of images white so transparency doesn't look weird.
*update2* Based on DonBex's helpful suggestion, I changed the colors and the pages should be easier on the eyes now.
*update3* I updated the style to use the latest Grey Lady II, due to a wikipedia update that broke the old style. I used a new method to generate the colors which looks better. Suggestions are welcome.

Applies to:
en.wikibooks.org, en.wikipedia.org, en.wikiquote.org, en.wikisource.org... More »

Related styles:

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