- Easier Work Reading

Added by 90d@userstyles, Created: Aug 26, 2007, Updated: May 01, 2013
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)
Font Type
Font Size
Text Alignment
Side Margins Width


Several options to make it easier to read works on AO3. This only applies to the work text, from the title to the end notes if there are any. The rest of the page is left unaffected.

The screenshot above shows you the following combination: serif font at 130%, leading at 140%, justified text without auto-hyphenation and side margins at 20%.

More info
Note: auto-hyphenation means that words at the end of a line will be broken and hyphenated at appropriate points to make sure spacing between words is regular and not too big, which can happen with absolutely justified text. Not all browsers support this feature.

This style has been recycled: stats are inaccurate.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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