KOL - Skin - Khaki (w Gradient) (June 27, 2008)

Added by Amanda Kerik@userstyles, Created: Sep 27, 2007, Updated: Jul 19, 2008
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


Updated July 19, 2008
Fixed a couple tiny glitches, including not being able to see the red "this page doesn't exist yet" text on the wiki, and highlighting issues with a GM script.

Updated June 27, 2008
I added a dark gradient for more contrast, and actually included the images in the code. No need for the images to be hosted on photobucket anymore.

See screenshot for the general idea.

I'm aejkm, amandakerik2, amanda kerik, burnappel and snowtigress in game.

Applies to:
kingdomofloathing.com, store.asymmetric.net, ofloathing.org, http://www.mrkinks.com/buffme/... More »

Related styles:

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