Link style and color protection

Added by Drugoy@userstyles, Created: Oct 25, 2010, Updated: May 22, 2011
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It is needed for sites, that hide links, disguising them so they may look like a plain text, for example.
+ All the sites will have the same decoration for unvisited, hovered and visited links, so you don't need to guess if it's a link or it's not - you'll know it for sure.

This style works on Nightly (aka Firefox 6) and may not work on Firefox 5 (which is now beta) and earlier (including Firefox's current stable version) yet.
Why? Because the new -moz-text-decoration-color CSS property was added just recently. Later it might become a part of the stable/beta version of Firefox, but currently it may be not (though I didn't bother myself running tests).

How the style works?
1. It makes all links underlined.
2. It paints this line in the different colors regarding the link type (regular, visited, hovered).

Applies to:
all URLs

Related styles:

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