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MySpace Homepage 2011

Added by PPedestrian@userstyles, Created: May 24, 2011, Updated: Sep 26, 2011
No screenshot


It's been a long while since anyone has had a go at prettifying the MySpace homepage. Possibly because there are so few of us left, and MySpace do tend to keep moving the goalposts! This script has proved popular as the basis of a 'training exercise' via my MySpace blog.

The top part of the script applies changes to the whole MySpace domain; the second section is specific to the current user homepage.

I have been VERY ruthless about what I've removed and what I've left in! A number of features I personally consider useless (curators recommendations, all of the celebrity guff), while others (online friend counts, number of requests/messages and some other notications) are wildly misleading or just plain WRONG. I figured that if they are broken, why bother to have them on YOUR homepage at all?

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This has been thoroughly tested on Firefox 4 and Google Chrome.

2011/05/27 - slightly tweaked, as I think MS have changed a couple of things on the 'Global' toolbar. I've also been playing with the background colour.

2011/05/30 - added option for bitmap 'wallpaper' background. Works best on a widescreen monitor for the full benefit! - Thanks to "CC" for the inspiration!

2011/06/04 - MySpace have changed the menu bar yet again this week, so I've slightly amended the script for blocking the dysfunctional "Requests" alert (It seemed to be permanently telling me that I have half-a-dozen requests, but the folder is always empty! Useless!). "SEB" reports that some new adverts have appeared on the Blogs pages. As far as I can see, AdBlockPlus is still doing an admirable job at removing them, but I've added a line of script here to remove the empty boxes left behind.

2011/06/05 - The updates are coming thick and fast now! A little bit 'extracurricular' as far as the original remit of this script goes - but I have included some lines in the "domain" section of the code to improve the BLOGS pages. I've made the content fill the page, having previously purged that right-hand column of unsolicited adverts. Thanks to Seb for the suggestion.

2011/08/20 - Firefox just updated to v6 - Shock Horror! It isn't STYLISH compatible!!! So I tidied up the code a little to make it more Chrome compatible. It also readily converts to a CSS file so that you can apply the styling to Safari and Opera. There is a 'drastic' new section for removing EVERYTHING on the Log-In page EXCEPT the black menu bar. You can still log-in from there. Skip this bit if you thinkI've gone too far :-)

2011/09/19 - A few little typographic tweaks:- For some reason, MySpace have changed some of the fonts; the Hyperlinks were no longer displayed in bold - I've restored it so that linked usernames in the stream are bold; there was no spacing around the avatar pics, so they butt up against the text; the Notifications Module had acquired some grey outlines (I couldn't get rid of those, so I've changed to a darker colour). I've restored the "Events" section, even though I don't use it, and adjusted the width of the module so that it once again lines up with the "Super Container"... The stream tabs ('Live' and 'Highlights') no longer make a difference - you get highlights whether you want it or not. So I've removed them altogether (They're not there at all on the 'new' homepage!)

2011/09/26 - I've slightly changed the code for the background tile fill. MySpace has been suffering from a peculiar 'page lag' (especially on Chrome), whereby sometimes the homepage's background fill runs over onto profile pages as well (logically, it shouldn't but it does!). I've changed "div.layout" to transparent, so that the background shows through. I also fancied a change, so I've changed the tile itself. You can, of course, still use one of your own, or use a plain colour fill by replacing [.userHome {background: url("")!important;}] with [.userHome {background-color:#??????!important;}] where [#??????] is the six-digit RGB value.

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