tumblr eXtras - Heart Selector

Added by Ohne Mitleid@userstyles, Created: Jun 27, 2011, Updated: Dec 13, 2011
Color your Heart


NOTE: As of 01.01.2013 this style will no longer be supported.
Replaces the arrow selector with a heart.

If you have ever applied or created a tumblr style, you have probably encountered a problem with the selector arrow. It remains blue for your new theme, or turns into a big white "house" icon floating above your page. Apply this style and replace that problem with a cute little heart instead!

The screenshots show just some of the colors available by simply replacing one word in the code. With over 140 color names available, there is no need to have prior knowledge of hexadecimal, rgba or hsl color values. DeepPink was selected as the default color, but if you look at the code, one line should stand out:

background: DeepPink !important;/*HEART COLOR - Replace 'DeepPink' with your choice of color*/

Finally, a selector that has a little heart to it! ;)

More info
Updated to be compatible with Chrome
Updated to include Color selector

Applies to:

Related styles:

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