This style was deleted by its author, hansschmucker@userstyles

hansschmucker@userstyles deleted this style

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Writely 2 Google

Added by hansschmucker@userstyles, Created: Jul 15, 2006, Updated: Jul 16, 2006
No screenshot


"Writely 2 Google" takes the Writely Web Word Processor and gives it that nice professional look that google has featured in their last few products, namely gCalendar and gSpreadsheet. Of course there's only so much a stylesheet can do, but I think this comes very close to making Writely Google-compliant.

What's still missing:
-Some orange boxes left.
-Some dropdown-menu icons have too little contrast or are still green/orange
-Settings/Help are still unmodified

The screenshots have a higher resolution and get scaled down by Use right-click/view image to see them in all their glory!

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