Facebook.com - Full width.

Added by pluk@userstyles, Created: Aug 12, 2011, Updated: Aug 26, 2011
With the style applied
Ego pane


Make Facebook use your browser's full window width.
Optionally offers these extras:

* Unobtrusive sidebar, slides-in on hover. [default: on]
* Hide the ego pane. [default: off]

Work in progress, expect frequent updates.

Note that the (automatically generated) screenshot doesn't really give an impression of what this style can do. Maybe I should hand-craft one...

BTW - It appears as if facebook has discontinued the sidebar altogether :-( At least that's how it appears to me as of today (2011-08-25) - I cannot find much news on the matter yet though.

More info

Change log:

2011-08-26: More specific grid selectors. Wider photo comments. Wider album comment view list.

2011-08-25: Wider image grids! Wider album comments. Wider other things.

2011-08-25: Hiding ego pane also hides typical ego pane content, even when outside of the ego_pane container.

2011-08-25: More things fixed. Less things broken.

2011-08-23: First step towards widening-up further content.

2011-08-23: Simplified css provides better overall looks and less need for specific tweaking.

2011-08-21: Extend hiding of ego_columns to the full ego_pane.

2011-08-21: Further tweaks that hopefully will fix more things than they break :)

2011-08-20: Cleaner fix for unobstructing things, not just navigation, when the sidebar is on and slid-out.

2011-08-19: Fixed obstruction of top and bottom navigations.

2011-08-18: Added support for Chrome, still looks better in Firefox though.

2011-08-17: Moved sidebar list to bottom, compacting it until sled-in. Fixed searchbox offset.

2011-08-16: Added sliding sidebar.

2011-08-15: Fixed leftshift while sidebar open.

2011-08-13: Initial upload.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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