Gmail - Stop inbox turning bold when unread

Added by DaveJamesMiller@userstyles, Created: Sep 05, 2011, Updated: Sep 06, 2011
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


There is a Gmail lab to turn off the unread counter, but the "Inbox" link still turns bold so you can still see that there's new emails!

This user style forces it to be not bold.

More info
It's done based on the "title" attribute of the link, because Gmail seems to use automatically generated class names and I don't know how often they change. So it's possible it could have unintended side-effects that I haven't found yet!

One side-effect is the Inbox link doesn't turn bold when you are viewing the inbox either. But I can live with that!

Applies to:

Related styles:

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