Facebook - Bejeweled Clean

Added by vshih@userstyles, Created: Sep 27, 2011, Updated: Feb 19, 2012
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


Cleans up Facebook Bejeweled completely, including Facebook chrome such as menu bar, game feed, and chat.

If you are on Windows and your browser is Chrome, you can create an application shortcut which opens Bejeweled Blitz in a separate window, as in my "after" screenshot:

1. Browse to http://go.vicshih.com/sGku27

2. Right-click that page and "Save as..." an HTML file such as "bejeweled.html"

3. Open the file in Chrome

4. Create the initial application shortcut from Wrench | Tools | Create application shortcuts...

5. Right-click the newly created shortcut and choose "Properties"

6. Edit the Target field, changing the "--app" parameter to refer to your saved HTML file using the file:// protocol; replace spaces with "%20". For example, "--app=file://C:/Documents%20and%20Settings//My%20Documents/bejeweled.html".

More info
2012/02/20 - Remove right scrollbar, AGAIN.

2012/02/17 - Remove right scrollbar again.

2011/12/11 - Restore account menu to allow logging out.

2011/11/05 - Account for latest liquid layout changes.

2011/10/14 - Support https.

2011/10/13 - Vertically align page. Hide vertical scrollbar.

2011/09/29 - Handle latest Bejeweled update.

Applies to:
http://apps.facebook.com/bejeweledblitz/, https://apps.facebook.com/bejeweledblitz/, http://labs.popcap.com/, https://labs.popcap.com/

Related styles:

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