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New Google Reader - Perfectionist Version

Added by krisu@userstyles, Created: Oct 30, 2011, Updated: Dec 02, 2011
No screenshot


Making Google Reader look less unfinished and less annoying to eyes.

- Removes pointless padding from right side of the items.
- Removes elements like +1 button and 'email' button.
- Adds border to right side of the sidebar.
- Lighter colors on some parts.
- Better positions on icons.
- More fitting font size on 'Home' and 'All Items' link
- Full width content
- Redesigned "expanded view"

And many more fixes and tweaks!

Works best on Firefox, Chrome has been also tested.

☙ Remember to set Display Density into "Comfortable" , if your resolution is lower then 1060px width, then this style won't work. Sorry.

More info
2.12.2011 - Small update. I noticed that my userstyle hasn't been really updated, thanks to one bug -_- (Python 2.7 installation screw up my Stylish editor and copypasting CSS hasn't work because of that) I'm really sorry about that, now it really should be updated for real.

29.11.2011 - Google fixed again their CSS, so I fixed mine too because of that.
21.11.2011 - Well, Google made a second update for Greader and changed some bits (most notable change was "Display Density" settings, like in preview version of Gmail). Fixes for new Greader update, revisited redesign for "Expanded View" and small tweaks.
7.11.2011 - Final tweaks (for now) to making it look perfect. Also, name has been changed to more unique (old name: New Google Reader Tweaks). Screenshots and description has been updated too.
2.11.2011 - "Home" link to same size as "All items" and other little tweaks.
1.11.2011 - Another update on same day: expanded view has been changed and lots of minor tweaks.
1.11.2011 - Userstyle released!

Applies to:,,,

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