This style was deleted by its author, Dman@userstyles

Dman@userstyles deleted this style

Try Google Calendar Restyle [slimming] instead of this deleted style.

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Restyle Wordpress admin interface

Added by Dman@userstyles, Created: Apr 12, 2008, Updated: Apr 15, 2008
No screenshot


This is a style I wrote to restyle the Wordpress Admin interface after they redid it recently. I'm not a huge fan of the new style, and it had many problems that I disliked. This style both makes the new style more manageable, and slims it down a lot. I incorporated a few things I've seen around, such as removing the page title (pretty obvious what it is if you are the owner...), and making it what *I* wanted. I will be updating it as I take the time to make it better and change more things.

Note that some of the things it does rely on properties of more advanced browsers. I use Firefox 3 beta 5, so I know it works there. I doubt it should have too much trouble anywhere else, and should degrade gracefully.

The CSS is commented to show what each change does, so you can change it as you see fit.

Here are the changes I made:

-Remove Page title
-Remove 'Support' tab
-Remove the 'You are using a theme' text
-Change the top title to matching colors instead of orange
-Get rid

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