Blacked Out - (Rounded Corners) NO ADS!

Added by Banderas@userstyles, Created: Jan 12, 2012, Updated: Dec 12, 2012
Select Background / Избери фон
Select Left and Right Column / Избери за лява и дясна колона


10.03 - From now on This style can`t be updated anymore from Style manager. For every one new UPDATE You need to delete the old one, and install new one from here, based on your choise This is commin from the background selection and columns.

This style was based on at start, but going far far away...

Това е стил базиран на в началото, но вече отиде твърде далеч.

More info
Work correctly in Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome for "rounded corners". The other change is that left side menu at facebook is not fixed - it`s scrolling down as usual. This fix the "chat" problem too.

Работи правилно в браузърите относно заоблени ръбове. Лявото меню се скролира както обикновенно и не стой замръзнало. Поправен е проблема на чата.

*UPDATED* - /some text-box problem - no space left - got to shrink the updates description/
13.12 - Default icon`s ... (for now)
05.12 - Icon`s ...
28.11 - Icon`s ...
27.11 - Tiiiiny spacing issue (fix enclosed) for better view - thanks to Skyline969@userstyles
22.11 - Icon`s ...
01.11 - Icon`s ...
20.10 - Delete box fix
03.10 - Icon`s ...
26.09 - Icon`s ...
22.09 - Progress Bar for upload.
20.09 - Options /at photo/ background fix and .... Icon`s again!
17.09 - Transparent problem when select friend profile (tag or share on friend wall... and more) fixed
12.09 - Icon`s ...
08.09 - Share-box fixed again, Messages fixed again.
06.09 - Icon`s ...
02.09 - Share-box fixed
29.08 - Icon`s ...
22.08 - Icon`s ...
21.08 - Icon`s ...
19.08 - Left and Right columns - position fixed.
15.08 - Icon`s ...
08.08 - Icon`s ...
01.08 - Icon`s ...
29.07 - Some theaterMode update.
04.07 - Icon`s ...
27.06 - Icon`s ...
21.06 - Fresh notify changes, Icon`s fix and some top bar fixes. Sharer fix.
04.06 - PhotoShow options fix and new icon`s again.
02.05 - Icon`s ... and some timeline fix.
25.04 - Icon`s ...
19.04 - Icon`s ...
16.04 - Icon`s update again and again and again.....
28.03 - Icon`s update again and again! Stupid FB team didn`t stop to play with them.
14.03 - Icon`s update again! There was new changes from FB team.
12.03 - News Stream Enabled.
11.03 - NO ADS! /rightside
10.03 - From now on This style can`t be updated anymore from Style manager. You need to delete the old one, and install new one from here, based on your choise This is commin from the background selection and columns.
10.03 - Major update about backgrounds and columns. You can choose it from dropdown menu. ScreenShots are available.
09.03 - Icon`s Fixed, Registration/Login Visual fixed, Enable TimelineScrubber and colors, and rounded corners.
07.03 - Tagbox Visual fixed.
24.02 - White border profile picture in TimeLine.
07.02 - Fixed PhotoShow with new FB style.
25.01 - Fixed empty space between friend`s news at Home.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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