PortableApps.com - Enhancements

Added by grom@userstyles, Created: Jan 26, 2012, Updated: Sep 27, 2014
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


by grom@userstyles. Works in 2014, best on Firefox.

- subtle colored stripe indicates subforum you are reading;
- external links posted by users are clearly marked; dangerous external links are marked in red;
- lesser nesting of replies in the forums;
- signatures separated from comments by a dashed border;
- comments now have max-width, making it hard for them to break website's layout. Cool, huh. ;)

This is a layout style, it doesn't change colors.

More info
Subtle colored stripe at the top of the page indicates which subforum is opened:
 Blue  -> official apps.
Green  -> app development and localization forums.
Yellow -> user support.
 Red   -> app requests.
 Gray  -> off-topic.

There are features included which are disabled by default. To enable them, simply delete the appropriate line saying:
/* --- remove this line to enable ---.

Extra: dangerous external links can print out their [rel], like "userstyles.org → [rel='spam']". This is disabled by default, you need to remove /* --- remove this line to enable --- which follows the /* dangerous links show [rel=""] */ to enable it.

Latest change (2014-09-27): made sure user comments don't break layout.

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
grom@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to PortableApps.com - Enhancements, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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