Facebook — Improved

Added by user #0001@userstyles, Created: May 05, 2008, Updated: Oct 24, 2012
With the style applied


This is a hacked together version of many styles on userstyles.org.
I just made many minor improvements, and added many new things.

it blocks ads, adds a background and changes many things to black and gray

this is completely compatible with facebook's current layout as of 5/6/08

most of it comes from Facebook Black (Improved) [LEGACY], and Facebook Green, but there is a lot taken from other styles.

the before and after photos are both "after"
this is just to show how different pictures can be used.

background comes from http://xshock.de
recommended backgrounds are:
http://xshock.de/data/fullview/severed.jpg can't find image (after)
http://i.imgur.com/y7wJ6.jpg (before)

Applies to:

Related styles:

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