LeanKit Kanban Card Deck Mode

Added by BoffinbraiN@userstyles, Created: Mar 12, 2012, Updated: Mar 13, 2012
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)
Apply to 'Pending' lane
Apply to 'Confirmed' lane
Apply to 'Completed' lane
Apply to ALL lanes
Last card in the deck stands apart from the others


View certain kanban lanes as single-line decks of overlapping cards. Works best when combined with http://freestyler.ws/style/55780/leankit-kanban-single-line-mode

- Roll over a card to raise it above the others, allowing you to read it
- You choose which lanes to stack, by specifying the lane title (some common examples are provided as options below)

More info
V1.0, released on 2012-03-13

Warning! Dragging and dropping cards with this style turned on is possible, but VERY difficult. If you're re-ordering cards within a lane, it's recommended to turn the style off temporarily.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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