OpenStreetMap Tribute

Added by <matthias>@userstyles, Created: Mar 31, 2012, Updated: Apr 01, 2012
  • With the style applied
  • maximized
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


After Wikipedia Tribute (, OpenStreetMap Tribute is my second contribution to polish some of the important crowd sourced portals on the web.
The design goals were the same as with Wikipedia Tribute:
- reducing visual overhead
- maximizing screen space
- "App-lified" user experience

The theme is not yet finished but ready to be used. It fits perfectly to Wikipedia Tribute ("Understatement" overlay)


PS: You will notice some stylesheet errors when applying the style. Don't mind, they can be ignored.

More info
Version 0.9

Applies to:

Related styles:

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