This style was deleted by its author, CB@userstyles

CB@userstyles deleted this style

Try - grey background, story font. instead of this deleted style.

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Google Reader Minimal Readable Expanded Adjusted

Added by CB@userstyles, Created: Apr 16, 2012, Updated: Apr 17, 2012
With the style applied


Based on Google Reader Readable

I changed the default font to Kievit OT Book
I shortened the time it takes for the navigation to appear to .1s
I removed the fade effect from the articles for fast scrolling

More info
Based on Google Reader Readable by twitstedskew !

Only some minor adjustments were made by me: (see also the comments in the CSS code).

- I changed the default font to Kievit OT Book, this is a font I really like and that I find easy to read.
- I shortened the time it took for the menu to appear when you hover your mouse over the left side of the screen.
The original time of .25 seconds felt very laggy to me.
- I changed the menu appear time to .1s , and removed the fade effect for the 'next article to appear'. I often scroll through the list pretty fast so I did not want a fade effect there.
- In Firefox the titles of the articles got cut off on the left, I made them indent a bit.

all credit goes to twistedskew

To change the default font, open the script (In Firefox go to Addons - Stylish - Options and click on Edit below the Google Reader script, then copy the lot and paste it into a text editor or code editor. I like Bluefish or Notepad++
Hit CTRL F and replace
with the name of your favorite font.

For example if you want to use Droid Sans replace "KievitOT-Book" with "Droid Sans" - including the quotes.

Applies to:

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