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Reddit - ExtraCSS Emoticon Flags

Added by EvilHom3r@userstyles, Created: Apr 19, 2012, Updated: Apr 20, 2012
No screenshot


A style which enables various flags that can be tagged onto emoticons.

More info
NOTE: This has been separated into:
Reddit - ExtraCSS Emoticon Flags (For Firefox)
Reddit - ExtraCSS Emoticon Flags (For Chrome)
Please install the one appropriate for your browser.

This allows you to rotate, flip, and spin emotes on reddit. Spinning emotes require at least Firefox 10 or Chrome 12. You can combine these flags to create some interesting effects.

Note that while this is meant to be used with Reddit - My Andy Ponies, it is not required. These will work with any emoticons that are set up properly with pipes in the selectors.

-[45|90|135|180|225|270|315] = rotates image accordingly

-r = Reverses images on the X axis (horizontally).

-d = Dance for me (flip on hover).

-spin = It spins!

-yspin = Spin on the Y axis (vertically).

-xspin = Spin on the X axis (horizontally).

-zspin = Spin in a circle.

Applies to:,

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