Workflowy - Colourable Bullets & Tags

Added by Chris Dugdale@userstyles, Created: Apr 24, 2012, Updated: Apr 25, 2012
With the style applied
Choose bullet colour
Choose Tag text colour


A slight modification to to allow you to change your bullet colour, and tag colour for a bit of variety.

By default the bullets are blue, and the tags are grey. I have also made them bold and smaller so that they are easier to read.

More info
I took some parts from seanwcom's " - Misc CSS Changes" - - Misc CSS Changes and some from "Monakai for Workflowy" by SOund, Monokai for Workflowy and then edited them to suit my own needs and added the ability to choose the font/ bullet colours.

I hope this is ok! I'm not claiming that it is mine, so i guess it is. if not let me know.


Applies to:

Related styles:

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